Tick Control 101: Techniques For A Tick-Free Cookeville Yard


Ticks are a type of arachnid. And instead of eating small insects, like other popular arachnids, these creatures live on a blood-only diet. While these creatures are most active during the summer, they can still be found in Tennessee during fall as long as the temperatures stay above freezing. 

Ticks are more than just a nuisance. These tiny arachnids can spread dangerous diseases, which is why every Cookeville resident needs to have a comprehensive tick extermination plan. At Axum Pest Management, we know the best techniques to keep ticks away from your property all year. 

The Life Cycle Of Ticks: A Comprehensive Overview

Ticks go through four life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Eggs are usually found in clusters of 100 or more and are only about the size of a needlepoint. When an egg hatches, a larva will emerge. While adult ticks have eight legs, ticks in the larval stage only have six. The tick larvae are incredibly small and are commonly referred to as “seed ticks” because they are roughly the same size as a poppy seed. 

When a larva hatches from an egg, it usually only has a few days to find a blood meal. If the seed tick goes for a week without eating, it will die of starvation. The blood meal is needed for the larva to grow and mole into a pupa.

When the tick has reached the pupa stage, it still has six legs but is slightly larger. The pupa must look for a new blood host to continue growing. Once it has engorged on blood, it will molt again; this is when it grows another pair of legs and finally reaches full maturity. 

The time it takes a larva to reach full maturity can vary based on a variety of factors, including the tick species and the amount of food available. But on average, our tick exterminators have seen it take a tick anywhere from a few months to a few years to reach the adult stage. 

Top Tick-Borne Diseases: Warning Signs To Watch For

Ticks are capable of spreading a variety of harmful diseases, such as Lyme disease. Deer ticks are the most common type of ticks that are known to transmit Lyme disease. If you contract this disease, you usually experience fever, fatigue, and an unusual red rash around the bite site. Symptoms typically start about a week after being bitten by the tick. If the condition is left untreated, you can experience more severe symptoms affecting your heart, joints, and brain. 

The best way to prevent yourself from getting Lyme disease or any other tick-borne illness is to have your yard professionally treated by a local tick control expert. 

Tick Prevention: Remedy Factors That Attract Ticks To Your Property

Ticks can find their way into any yard when looking for food. However, they prefer areas that have plenty of shade and moisture. Some of the things that our home pest control experts have noticed that most tick-infested yards have in common include:

  • Tall grass in the yard 
  • A lot of weeds are growing near the home
  • Fallen tree branches and other debris left in the yard
  • A poorly drained yard that has damp soil

If you can’t seem to figure out why ticks are attracted to your property, a tick extermination company can inspect your yard and identify any factors that might be contributing to your infestation. 

Professional Tick Control Services: Stress-Free And Effective

If you are dealing with ticks on your property, the experienced tick exterminators at Axum Pest Management can help save the day. We provide the best tick control treatments and know how to eliminate the ticks from your Cookeville yard. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation!